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Why Is It Called the Fire Bible?

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So, why is this called the Fire Bible? Well, throughout the Bible, fire symbolizes the presence, power, and work of God.

In the Old Testament, God's Presence guided His people in the form of a pillar of fire. In the New Testament, Jesus Himself said, "I came to cast fire on earth.”

God's fire usually serves two primary purposes in people's lives, depending on how they respond to Him.

His fire purifies and refines those who have accepted His Word and follow Him.

Or His fire will consume and destroy in judgment for those who have rejected His Word and oppose Him.

Ultimately, God's fire is meant to ignite within His people a passion for Him and His purposes.

Before Jesus left the earth, following His resurrection, He told His followers that He would send the Holy Spirit to strengthen them to serve Him and spread message.

That promise was realized on the day of Pentecost.

We can see this in Acts 2:1-3 NLT. [Read from Bible]

“1 On the day of Pentecost, all the believers were meeting together in one place. 2 Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting. 3 Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them.”

One of the signs of the Spirit's arrival was what appeared to be tongues of fire that appeared to rest on each person who was touched by the Holy Spirit.

Can you imagine that, a room full of believers, praying and seeking God, and His spirit rested on them like tongues of fire!

Though that particular sign of fire occurred only on that day, the Holy Spirit’s strengthening that began at Pentecost is still available to followers of Christ The notes and study help in the Fire Bible reflects a Pentecostal perspective that is based on the belief that Christians should and can experience the and purpose of the Holy Spirit like those in Acts 2.

From Acts to Revelation, you can read about what Jesus' followers did through the power of the Holy Spirit.

To this day, the baptism in the Holy Spirit, being immersed in the power of the spirit, continues to fill Christians with the desire, urgency, and ability to carry Christ's command to take His message to the ends of the earth.

We hope that your experience with this Fire Bible will do the same for you.


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2025 by the General Council of the Assemblies of God