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How to use the Fire Bible - Table of contents

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Anyone who wants to read the Bible wonders how they should read it. Do I read it like a normal book? Front to back?

Or do I just jump around? Where do I start? How do I find that?

I mean, it’s a pretty big book. You might wonder, “So how do I find things in my Bible, and how is it divided up?”

First of all, the Fire Bible is divided into two sections: The Old Testament, with 39 books, and the New Testament, with 27 books.

The front of your Bible has a table of contents that shows the names of all the books and the page numbers where they begin.

You can easily navigate your Bible from that page. For example, if you hear someone say, “look at John 3:16.”

You can flip open your Fire Bible to the Table of Contents, run your finger down the list of books until you get to John, and check the page number.

Once you have the page number, open to the according page, you can see that each chapter begins with a larger number and that each paragraph has numbers in the text that tell us what verse we are looking at.

Knowing this, we can easily find John 3, verse 16.

The chapter and verse numbers function like a map that all believers can follow to share God’s Word with each other.


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2024 by the General Council of the Assemblies of God