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How to use the Fire Bible - Study Notes

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Have you ever read your Bible and wish you knew more about what you were reading? This is where study notes come in and is a key feature of the Fire At the bottom of almost every page are notes on the verses on that page. These notes explain the more complex verses and help you understand and God's Word.

There are 5 types of notes that you will see as you read your Bible.

The first is Expositional notes. That’s a big word for explaining the meaning of words phrases, and giving additional background information regarding The second is Theological notes. These notes define and explain Biblical truths and teachings, summarizing spiritual concepts like God's character, sin, repentance, salvation, baptism, the Holy Spirit, church miracles, end times, and other big ideas that you see as you read.

The third is Devotional notes. This kind of note emphasizes the importance of maintaining a close and personal relationship with God the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit through personal disciplines like faith, obedience, prayer, and dependence on God.

The fourth is Ethical notes. This type of note emphasizes character development and commitment to God's standards, purposes, and the importance of principles like following

Christ, faithfulness, humility, integrity, self-denial, separation from sin, discerning right from wrong, active compassion, and obligations
to God.

The fifth is Practical notes. These notes present helpful information regarding your daily Christian life. These notes are aimed at helping you apply God's to your life in specific ways.

They contain practical instruction about healing, the baptism in the Holy Spirit, spiritual warfare, resisting temptations, using your abilities to serve in the and telling others about Christ.

The study notes provide references to other Bible verses (usually in parentheses) that refer to and support comments made in the notes. These additional references allow you to go deeper in your Bible study.


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2025 by the General Council of the Assemblies of God