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How to use the Fire Bible - Book Introductions

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Your Fire Bible is full of amazing features to help you know and understand the Word of God. One of those features is book introductions.

These introductions are a gold mine of information to help you begin reading each book.

The introductions include an outline of the book, information about the author, theme, and an estimation of when the books were written.

The background of the book covers where the book stands in history as well as placing the book in the timeline of the Bible.

Then, you will find the purpose of the book. This tells you why the book is important to understanding the overall message of God’s Word.

The survey section is like the outline but written out in sentences.

Then you will see the Special Features section, which discusses interesting points about the book's writing.

For example, the Special Features section of the book of Isaiah describes the poetry structure of Isaiah. It talks about how Isaiah saw and told people visions of Jesus and His sacrifice to bring forgiveness of sins.

It also talks about names Isaiah used for God and points out places where Isaiah references other authors in the Old Testament.

My favorite feature of the Book Introductions in the Old Testament is the section on New Testament fulfillment.

We often forget that the Old Testament is leading us directly to the story of Jesus. The team that put together the Fire Bible wrote each of these sections you see how each Old

Testament book fits into and is fulfilled in the Story of Jesus.

The last section in the introduction is the reading plan. If you follow the reading plan at the end of each introduction, you will read through the Bible in 2 A careful reading of the introductions will help you understand each book and its applications. At the end of each opening, space is provided for you to personal notes about that book.


1445 N. Boonville Ave. Springfield, MO 65802-1894 417-862-2781 ext. 4030
2025 by the General Council of the Assemblies of God