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How to study the Bible - Context

By Web Team | Learn

We often run into verses or sentences we don’t understand as we study the Bible. In that situation, one of the first things you need to do is consider the of the part you don’t understand.

Context is the parts of something written or spoken that come before and after a word or passage and clarify its meaning.

Here’s how to look at the context.

First, think about the background of the passage you are reading.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What’s happening in that particular situation?
  • What events led up to this event?
  • What are the history and social climate around this passage?
  • What are the unique circumstances?
  • Why was the book or letter written, and to whom?
  • Who are the main people involved, where do they come from, and what are they doing?
  • Why do the characters feel and act as they do?

Take your time to make sure you have the facts before making a statement of what the verses mean.

Having a decent understanding of what is going on in the verses will help you decide what it means and how it applies to your own life.

The study notes at the bottom of the pages in this study Bible are designed to help you with this process.

And if you still don’t know after you’ve considered all of these aspects of the verse, ask your pastor for additional help



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2025 by the General Council of the Assemblies of God