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How to Develop Your Prayer Life

By Web Team | Grow

Have you ever wondered how to pray? You are not alone. This is why Jesus took the time to teach his disciples to pray, so let’s talk about how we can those around us who need Jesus and, at the same time, grow in our relationship with Jesus.

When we decide to spend more time in prayer, we need a plan to help us get started. If we plan ahead, we are more like to keep our commitment to pray.

So, let’s plan a time and a space.

First, let’s pick a specific time of the day and then keep it. Write it in your planner or set a reminder on your phone and then commit to it.

Second, choose a space where you are comfortable. Find a place where you will be alone and can write and read your Bible. You might want low lighting soft music to make your space more comfortable.

Now that we have the time and place let’s develop a plan on what to pray and how to do it.

When you begin to pray, you may be wondering what to pray for and how to pray.

Start small and build up from there. Here is an example you could begin with.

2 minutes of worship and praise

Read your bible for 5 minutes, then spend 2 minutes meditating on God’s Word.

Spend 3 minutes making requests to God, followed by 2 minutes listening to God’s response to your requests and His guidance.

Then take 2 minutes to write down what you are hearing from God through your Bible reading and prayer.

Finally, take a minute to thank God for hearing and answering your prayer.

This schedule is just an example. As you learn to pray more consistently, make adjustments wherever needed.

So what are some key takeaways?

First, Spend time listening to God—not just speaking and asking him for things.

Second, Have a Bible and pen in hand to record what you sense God is saying to you.

Third, Do not let your feelings decide your schedule. Make a plan and follow through.

During your time of requests, pray for specific people within your circle of influence at school, at work, at home, and in your community.

Choose FIVE specific people who do not currently have a personal relationship with Jesus and place them on a prayer list. Keep the list in your Bible and prominent places as a constant reminder to pray.

Besides keeping your daily prayer time with God, pray on location. Pray silently for those around you in class or at work.

Above all, be consistent. Pray every day, and for every situation you face.


1445 N. Boonville Ave. Springfield, MO 65802-1894 417-862-2781 ext. 4030
2025 by the General Council of the Assemblies of God