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What is a Campus Missionary?

By Web Team | Go

A missionary is a person who takes the message of Jesus Christ to people in another country, community, or culture to lead others into an authentic, personal relationship with God

A campus missionary is a student — a devoted follower of Jesus, regardless of age, status, or situation in life, who accepts personal responsibility for reaching
spiritually lost people with the message of forgiveness and new life through faith in Jesus Christ.

A campus missionary develops an intentional strategy to impact others for Christ at school, work, home, or anywhere within their sphere of influence.

You might be asking, WHERE IS MY CAMPUS?

A campus is defined as a site where an organization or institution operates.

Essentially, a campus can be any place where you regularly attend school, work a job, conduct business, or interact with others regularly.

Your campus is also your mission field — the place where God has strategically positioned you to reach and influence others for him.


1445 N. Boonville Ave. Springfield, MO 65802-1894 417-862-2781 ext. 4030
2025 by the General Council of the Assemblies of God