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How to Tell Your Story

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The best story we have to tell is our own. Our friends want to know about how we met Jesus, so how do we tell them?

The story of your personal experience with Jesus Christ is one of your most effective tools for communicating His truth. People may doubt Jesus, but they cannot argue with his effect on your life.

By listening to people and learning to connect their experiences with yours, you can inspire them to consider Christ for themselves.

Your experience with Christ—your testimony—is essential because it tells your friends that God is personal and that He makes a positive difference in Some Christians think they don’t have a story to tell because they have never done anything dramatic, but even the story of a faithful life is valuable in connecting with those who need Jesus.

Anyone Christ transforms has a story to tell. A testimony is not just about the past; it includes what Jesus is doing in your life now.

Your story does not need to be dynamic to be effective, but it should be clear and concise.

So, how do you tell your story?

Well, it helps to have a plan. Think about how to tell your story. Write it out and keep it in your Bible. Having written it out will help you remember it when need to tell it.

Consider telling your story like this:

  1. Give a brief account of your life before you met Christ.
  2. Clearly explain how you became a Christian.
  3. Describe the changes in your life after surrendering to Christ.

While your story can connect with people personally, it is not powerful enough on its own to transform anyone spiritually; only God’s Word can do that.

So you must prepare not only to tell your story but also to tell Jesus’ story. Paul said, “I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power at work, saving everyone who believes” (Rom 1:16).

A clear presentation of the biblical message of Jesus is essential in leading people to Him.

Many Christians hesitate to get into spiritual conversations because they do not know the Word well enough to respond to questions about God and faith.

Knowing and memorizing the Word can alleviate that fear, allowing you to present Christ’s message with confidence and authority.

If you are faithful to learn God’s Word, the Holy Spirit will bring it to your mind at the right time.

In a conversation about Jesus, if you sense that a person is ready to decide, ask them: “Does it make sense to you?” or “Do you want this relationship God?”

Before a person decides to follow Christ, help them understand the need to repent. Repentance is more than simply being sorry or asking for forgiveness. a complete turnaround.

It involves changing one’s attitude toward God, admitting sin, turning from one’s own way, submitting to God, and following his purposes.

Finally, ask, “Are you ready to trust Jesus with your life and start your relationship with God right now?” If so, share Rom 10:9 and 1 Jn 1:9, which describe exactly how to do this.

At this point, the person needs to talk to God directly, confess sin, accept God’s forgiveness and trust Him with their life. If your friend is not comfortable independently, you can lead the prayer by having them repeat the words.

If you have the privilege of leading someone to Christ, it is essential to help them follow through with the decision. Check on them often and offer to do a Bible study with them.

Encourage them to pray and invite them to church with you. And definitely celebrate with them because all of heaven is celebrating their decision.


1445 N. Boonville Ave. Springfield, MO 65802-1894 417-862-2781 ext. 4030
2025 by the General Council of the Assemblies of God